What is Google Developer Student Clubs?

Google Developer Student Clubs (GDSC) is a program for university students. Designed to helping students bridge the gap between theory and practical. It is open to any student! Ranging from novice developers who are just starting to learn, up to the advanced developers who want to explore their skills further. GDSC is intended to be a space where students, developers, and teachers can get their place to share their insights and make positive influence to the people around them. Also helping them solving a real issues lies around the world. This program is open to active students from all majors at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

Want to be part of us?

Join us by Clicking "Join Us" on Our Community Page in Bevy. Then, Join to our Discord Community Server by Click Here

We are open to all university student to be part of us!. Grow your connection with others with join our discord

Our Activities

Is a routine activity that will be carried out by the core team, members of Google Developer Academy students, and the general public where we share many things to keep upgrading with current technology

Hands-on Workshop

This is an event where we provide speaker sessions about technology from various fields where general public can attend

Tech Talks
Tech Talks

Where we will discuss topics around technology ranging from technological developments, or solving a problem with technology

Project Showcase
Project Showcase

This event will shows off the solutions that members have built for local problems. The goal is to create awareness of technology

Sharing Session
Sharing Session

These are sharing sessions where you or a speaker will discuss about obstacles, experience, progress, about interesting things around technology

Our Weekly Class

Cloud Study Jams

Hone your skills and further your cloud knowledge by getting familiar with the resources available to you using curriculum provided by Google and interacting with experts.

Android Study Jams

Hone your skills and further your knowladge by following Android study jam class where will be focus on learn the fundamentals of Kotlin programming language to become an Android Developer.

Machine Learning
Explore ML

Explore ML will help students grow their knowledge and develop their skills in Machine Learnings, along with presentation skills as well as being able to interact with Google experts.

UI/UX Class

Improve your UI/UX Design skill and knowledge by getting familiar with fundamental UI/UX design, design thingking, UX Researcher and also interact with expert Googlers.

Web Dev
Web Dev Class

Hone your skills and further your Web Developer knowledge by learn translate graphic recommendations into web languages by writing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code, and interacting with expert.

Network Engineer
Network Class

Hone your skills and further your Network engineering by getting familiar with the resources available to you, following along with guided, and interacting with expert Googlers.

Google Events

Where we provide information for you to take part in events or competitions from Google, to hone the knowledge you have and improve your skills

Global Solution Challenge

The contest seeks to invite students to develop solutions for local challenges that their communities are facing, using one or more Google technologies.


JuaraGCP is a program designed to invite Indonesian developers to complete training on cloud computing at Qwiklabs. This training can also prepare participants to continue their learning journey in achieving GCP certification.

Our Team Roles

Our Team

Faculty Advisor and Core Team has responsibility for helping leader to develop the community by supporting every student on our campus to grow as a developer

Imam Mazuki

Imam Marzuki Shofi

Faculty Advisor

Fachridan Tio Mu'afa

Fachridan Tio Mu'afa


Nashrul Hakiem

Nashrul Hakiem

Faculty Advisor

M. Aqil Pratama
M. Aqil Pratama

Head Manager of Mobile Apps Developer

Ibrahim Mubarok
Ibrahim Mubarok

Mobile Apps Developer

Yuda Kurnia Nurul F.
Yuda Kurnia Nurul F.

Head Manager of Cloud Computing Engineer

Andhiny Fatikha
Andhiny Fatikha

Cloud Computing Engineer

M. Fitroh Amrilla
M. Fitroh Amrilla

Head Manager of Machine Learning Developer

Maulana Rifan Haditama
Maulana Rifan Haditama

Machine Learning Developer

Omar Yazidz
Omar Yazidz

Head Manager of Network Engineer Facilitator

Ahmad Solahudin Rifandi
Ahmad Solahudin Rifandi

Network Engineer Facilitator

Atmina Jovanka Azzahra
Atmina Jovanka Azzahra

Head Manager of UI/UX Designer Facilitator

Ahmad Malik Fajar
Ahmad Malik Fajar

UI/UX Designer Facilitator

Yonita Anggreria
Yonita Anggreria

Head Manager of Web Developer

Hendrie Ramdhani
Hendrie Ramdhani

Web Developer

Erra Faninditya
Erra Faninditya

Head Manager of Media Creative

Chrisna Putra W.
Chrisna Putra W.

Media Creative

Isfan Rifqi Dzikrillah
Isfan Rifqi Dzikrillah

Media Creative

M. Farizal Aulia Hanafi
M. Farizal Aulia Hanafi

Head Manager of Partnership & Program

Mutia Salsabila
Mutia Salsabila

Partnership & Program

Aulia Nisa Agus S.
Aulia Nisa Agus S.

Partnership & Program

Google Developer Student Clubs

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

© GDSC UIN Jakarta 2021. All rights reserved

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